The Osteology Project
Work in Progress
Hi everyone, its been a while that I posted an article online. I have been busy with so many trivial things that I hadn’t had any time to focus on my blog. I got reminded by my domain holder that the domain is going to expire. This is when I decided that I will write atleast one post a day. I have a lot of ideas to share with you guys.
Right now I am working on an osteology project. This is a personal project, which I want to expand to include arthrology, musculoskeletal system and then the internal organs. The idea is to create as much as 3d content as possible and release the media for the masses under creative commons.
This is a simple sample render of how the project is going to look like. I am working on all the other bones and cartilages now. Once the cartilages are finished, I will start working on the joints and muscles. It is a huge task, but really fun at times, I am really excited about the project. Once this is done, I am going to work on an anatomy app which would be available freely for medical students. I will keep you guys posted.